
Showing posts from 2020

Entourage Effect – Cannabinoids, Terpenes & Flavonoids

Entourage Effect – The many instruments of the whole orchestra of wellness conducted by CBD. CBD is an incredible molecule; It has shown to not only be safe but extremely powerful in many different avenues of wellness. The World Health Organisation (WHO)  reported  after in-depth studies that CBD reveals no adverse health effects but some tangible medical applications for CBD, furthermore, cannabis should be rescheduled. While CBD does deserve a good pat on the back for its contribution to humanity, it certainly can’t take all the credit. There are many other components within the plant that lend a helping hand and offer additional benefits to the whole-plant experience of health wellness. OVER 80 CANNABINOIDS With over 80 other phytocannabinoids found in  hemp flower  like CBDa, CBG, CBC, CBGV, CBN, THC, and THCv adding to the whole experience along with terpenes such as a-Pinene, Myrcene, Limonene, and Caryophyllene to name a few. As wel...